Translations: SPA

This website presents PISCOp V2.1, a new local blended gridded rainfall dataset, headed by the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology of Peru (SENAMHI).

PISCOp V.2.1 contains daily and monthly rainfall grids at 0.1° computed for 1981–2018*. It is built using serially complete raingauge datasets, CHIRP V2.0(without raingauge stations), radar-gauge merged precipitation climatologies, geostatistics and deterministic interpolation methods, and a simple monthly correction factor applied to daily estimates. More details see the paper here.


Currently, SENAMHI has SUSPENDED the support for the generation of PISCOp V2.1 at near-real-time (latency of eight weeks). It means that you do not be able for access to PISCOp V2.1 rainfall values for dates after to 2018-06-30 (at least by this website). If you need recent PISCOp V2.1 information, please get in contact with Waldo Lavado ( or Fiorella Vega ( See the last link about PISCOp at SENAMHI website here.